Latest Reviews

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

WOW!! Flashers, I am so overwhelmed by the positive words and reviews on Flashpoint so far. I am beyond thrilled you are loving the story, the pace, the charactes and details I've yet to reveal. Don't take my word for it though, please check out these two new reviews by Red Cheeks Reads and Indie Review Center:

Flasher Fans!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

My appologies for being MIA this past week... Insanely busy is a supreme understatement lately... Between arranging a blog tour, book reviews, writing and that crazy thing call my 9-5 life it's been a wild ride to balance everything. I'm going to need one of those anti FB apps or something to keep me from checking things out! At this rate, I might even need to find a PA since the cat turned me down and start one of those street teams. So despite all my 'complaints' I'm having so much fun getting the word out and writing book number two. I have to say while it's hard to say goodbye to characters I've spent nearly the last three years with, the next couple in the Reed Series is certainly keeping me on my toes...
Hope y'all had a great weekend. XOXO
For my Flasher Fans out there... here's a little something from Flashpoint, book 1.
Jacob Reed and Katie Wilson.

Proof copies have the best "book" smell. Ever.

Friday, February 7, 2014

So... I've been taking my proof copy with me everywhere in my excitement. I just can't help myself.
I might... have even slept with it last night, don't judge me! I couldn't believe I'd actually written a book. Still!  Even with official ISBNs numbers?!?! I think when I get home tonight I will let the cats rub thier little kitty faces over the corners (because duh, that's what all cats do! lol) for good juju. I was secretly pleased to see the happy embarrassement by the youthful male gas attendant this morning when he asked if that was my book sitting on the passanger side of the car.
Yup. That's me. :-) Well... not me in the picture, but me as the author.
Super cool.
Doesn't she look spiffy on a bookshelf?
She needs some friends besides all my clinical tomes, don't cha think?
Proof copies have the best "book" smell.

A song about winter...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Given the weather this week... we've all been stuck at home going stir crazy which for me does nothing creatively. *insert sad face* I really wish our school district had a sense of humor like this one did. Enjoy the laugh cause I've got more ice to punch through before I can get back to the writing cave...


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Flashpoint is officially released! Squeeeee! I'm overwhelmed, sick to my stomach kind of nerves and I love, LOVE, LOVE all of you who have been supporting me throughout this insane project.

I'm having a party today, so stop on by because I'll be giving out ebooks, giftcards and random shenanigans throughout the day!! I also have a giveaway on my FB page you can enter for twice the fun!!

Also, check out my story boards! I just love these two characters: Jacob Reed and Katie Wilson... but Hauk just makes me melt. Every story needs a good pet, IMO!


Snow Day

Monday, February 3, 2014

As many of you know, the North Eastern part of the US has been getting a pounding of weather lately with no respite in site... I figure this is probably a good time to introduce myself. Unless you were planning to do something else....? but let's face it, you're here, I'm here so let's get some coffee and chat. :-)

I'm an author. A mommy and a professional career woman with a few official degrees. My dream is to write fulltime and buy a little cottage in Bar Harbor, ME where I can watch the seasons change, bring life to my characters and run endless miles in what I feel is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Pretty simple? That's me. I don't have a clue where this writing will take me, but for right now I'm really enjoying the fun of putting a complete story together and interacting with you, my dear readers.

If you'd like to connect online you can find me hanging out here:
On Facebook:
On twitter: @eatpokerun

On that note, I'd really like for you to consider reading my first novel and new release: Flashpoint: Reed Series. It's a romantic suspense novel I hadn't planned to write, but once it started flowing so easily I couldn't stop. I'm already working on books 2 and 3 as well as a novella including the characters. So here's my first book baby and I really hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. The cover is pretty dang awesome too!

Here's the synopsis on the back of the print jacket and while you're reading it pay no attention to the subliminal messages I'm sending you through the interwebs that keep saying, "Buy this book, read this book, love this book!"

Reed Software and Securities Company:  A publically traded tech company with a hidden agenda. They are hired to take on some of the most difficult covert operations and contracts the government won’t acknowledge. 
As the new CEO and face of Reed Software and Securities Company, Jacob Reed has been trying to get out of the family business as a covert operator. Lately he’s been fantasizing about settling down, living a normal life away from the paparazzi, guns, and drug lords.
Katie Wilson loves her job as a broadcast journalist for Channel 10 news. She is just beginning to explore her career when she gets the lead on a new story that could blow up an international sex trafficking operation.
When their jobs force their paths to explosively collide, Katie is caught in the crossfire and has no memory of that night. A year will pass before fate seemingly draws them together and he saves her a second time. Now that Jacob has unknowingly brought Katie into his world, she’s become a target for danger from an unknown source… and this time he refuses to let her go at all costs.
Links to buy my book are here:
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